Elizabeth had two entertainment events in the last month. The upper school (6th-12th grades) held their annual BISS Idol and Elizabeth and several other 6th graders developed a skit and routine. Their routine was creative and fun and a big hit. Look at the names of the sixth graders in the act: Alzira Fernandes, Elizabeth Reilly, Chrystal Leung, Sana Samad, Fatima Obaid al Salami, Megumi Tanaka, Punyarak Nimchuar. Can you match the name with the nationality?
On March 24th-26th Elizabeth was in the cast of “Once Upon a Time,” a musical farce with a lively score and fun plot about Captain Boredom and her zombie army trying to take over Fairytale land. The costumes were colorful and the humor had an adult edge. It was fun and joyful and exhausting. Over 50 students participated, from grades 3-12, including several of Anna's 4th grade friends.
Wow, Elizabeth! It looks like you're growing into a star!! Are we going to see you on American Idol in the next few years or will it be Dancing with the Stars? Maybe it will be some new show that hasn't even been invented yet!
What were your favorite parts of your acting experiences? Did you find it as challenging as your Dad does? Write back some time and let me know what you think.
Great job, Elizabeth! All four of us really enjoyed the show!
Julie, Z, Desi, and Steve
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